Occupations of People in Nagaland
1. Farming The Economy in the state of Nagaland is dependent mainly on agriculture as 70% of the population is dependent on it. The State's remarkable feature is that there are no landless peasants in the state. The various kinds of crops cultivated in Nagaland are corn, pulses, oil seeds, fibers, sugarcane, potatoes, tobacco, millets, and rice. Vegetable crops are melon, cucumbers, spinach leaf, mustard, onion, carrots, tomatoes, brinjal etc. The two method of cultivation of indigenous Naga tribes are Jhumming and terrace cultivation. The area under jhum cultivation is about 87,339 hectares and under terraced cultivation is about 62,091 hectares. In spite of agriculture being the main occupation of the people, the state still has to import food items from other states. This has happened due to the fact that people followed unsustainable agricultural practices which has led to the loss of fertility due to soil erosion. The Government is trying to persuade the villagers ...